Dear Colleagues,
Those of you know Rod Macdonald, either personally or through his work or both, will know that he is one of Canada's most prominent academic jurists. Rod has announced his retirement and McGill's Faculty of Law is hosting a Symposium in his honour, on
7-8 February: The Unbounded Level of the Mind: Rod Macdonald's Legal Imagination / Ni bornes, ni frontières : l'imaginaire juridique de Rod Macdonald.
Registration is now closed, since the event is filled to capacity, but I would invite everyone to please explore the site, including the page on 'Influence and Prospects' at which you are invited to record your own contributions regarding Rod's scholarship.
We know that Rod has many friends and colleagues around the world. As a result, I am very pleased to say that the web site will feature live streaming of the event, and will also feature a recording of the event for those who wish to view it afterwards.
Please feel free spread this message to friends and colleagues of Rod.
With best wishes,